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Lower belly fat. Muffin top. Love handles. Call it what you want, I’m sure we’d all agree that it’s the worst. Luckily, we have 5 lower ab exercises with help you ditch the pooch faster.
While losing that annoying belly fat isn’t as easy as simply doing a few crunches, combined with a balanced diet and some cardio, they are sure to help you lose that extra belly fat and sculpt your abs much faster.
We’ve found these moves to be the most effective and can’t wait to share them with you. Get ready to say goodbye to basic crunches and planks!
Let’s get started with the lower ab exercises.
5 Lower Ab Exercises To Ditch The Pooch:
1. Dead bug
Start by lying on your back with arms and legs in the air, knees bent at 90 degrees. Push your back to the floor, engage your core, and slowly lower both your right leg and left arm to the floor. Lower your leg until your heel is close to the floor and lower your left arm overhead until it is also near the floor. Then, slowly pull them back up to starting position and repeat on the opposite side. This is 1 rep.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10 reps.
2. Leg Raises
Start by lying on your back with your legs straight and your arms by your sides or under your glutes. While keeping your legs straight, lift them up towards the ceiling until your butt comes off the floor. Then, slowly lower them back down until they’re right above the floor, but not touching it. This is 1 rep.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10 reps.
3. Bicycle Crunches
Start by lying on the ground with your legs straight and hands behind your head. Slightly lift your head and shoulders off the floor as well as your legs. Bend and pull your left knee towards the right side of your chest, while turning your torso and keeping your right leg straight and lifted off the floor. You don’t need to touch your elbow with your knee. Instead, focus on engaging your core and turning your torso. Extend your left leg back (without touching the floor) and repeat on the other side. This counts as 1 rep.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10.
4. Mountain Climbers
Start in a high plank position. Lift your right foot off the floor and pull it in towards the middle of your chest. Extend it back out and repeat with the left leg. This counts as 1 rep. Try to alternate as quickly as possible, while keeping your core tight the whole time.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10.
5. Crab Toe Touch
Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and your hand slightly behind you with your fingers facing your body. Lift your butt of the floor, kick your right leg up and touch your right foot with your left hand. Lower you right foot and left hand back to the floor and repeat on the opposite side. This is 1 rep.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10.
And there you have it! My top 5 lower ab exercises to ditch the belly pooch! Add these to your workouts, combine them with a balanced diet, and you are sure to see that pooch disappear.
If you enjoyed this workout, also be sure to check out our blog post on 10 tips to lose belly fat fast.
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